Monday, June 20, 2011

It is frustrating!!

I haven't posted for a time and my birthday is past. I am now 59 and still feel young and quite in shape for my age. I have been doing great on my running 2-4 miles 3 times a week and my walking club is getting more known. So I exercise at least 5 times a week. What I don't do, is lose weight. My waist hasn't budged but my legs are like bricks. I guess that is good but will never see that hour glass look like Sophia Loren. We are all different and as long as we are loved and love I guess that is OK. I can wish can't I? I am sure my husband wished it too, even though he would never say it. I am sure all husbands think that way. It is when they say it out loud that is not appropriate. At least in my opinion. I am not a jealous person, though.
I was wondering how many of us jump out of bed and on to the scary scale every morning and then jump off with disgust. Why do I do that to myself? And the thing is, when I have lost weight, I sabotage it with eating something yummy. And the cycle continues!!
The point is that I exercise and love running so much. Not everyone can do it but do something. Start young and even if you are a smoker, you can still do it. For any exercise is better than none. I have never felt better and hope to for years to come. The point is not to give up on exercise just because you don't lose weight. Some things that are good for you are fun!!
Check out to good coleslaw recipe. It is the best coleslaw I ever ate. I will be posting recipes often. Next posting will be about cleaning out my house for a yard sale and talking about the people that want that item for $.10 instead of $.25. :-)))

Nutty coleslaw
Dressing- 1/3 cup cider vinegar
3/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup sugar
2 chicken flavor packets from Ramen Noodles
mix together and chill

Salad- 16 oz coleslaw
3 chopped green onions
2 packages ramen noodles crushed and uncooked
3/4 cup sliced almonds
3/4 cup sunflower seeds

mix all together and pour dressing over just before serving. DELISH!!!!


  1. I'm starting Couch to 5k tonight. New shoes coming the mail and everything.

  2. Good luck M!! You can do it. That is a great program for newbies. Really helps get you focused. Thanks for posting..let me know how you are doing.
