Monday, June 27, 2011

Yard sale success means more time for myself!!

The first thing I will say is that I ran 3.52 miles today after a hiatus of 5 days. The reason being YARD SALE. I worked my butt off ( I wish) to clean drawers, cupboards, closets and shelves. I still have junk that is hard to part with even though I know I won't ever use it. There is furniture that is just sitting there that was my moms, grandmas or even some things I bought that I do not use. What a shame. I keep thinking that someday when I am gone, One of my kids will cherish it, just like I, but times have changed. Fast paced, on the go and both spouses have to work in a household to make it. Where as when I was a little girl the mom stayed home to take care of the household. One income is hard now days. We have one income usually but I do sell a few Nappernoos and I take care of dogs occasionally to make some extra money. That lotto ticket still hasn't hit yet but we still make it and have a nice life better than most I presume.
My yard sale was Fri and Sat and had good success. We sold a lot of stuff which we don't have to box it up and put it in my crawl space for the next one I have. Or it may go to St. Vincents or Salvation Army which is the closest charities for me. People are generally nice. All kinds of people come to yard sales and the ones that bargain the most are the ones THAT HAVE MONEY and can afford the pay for it at the store. It is so funny to watch people want to pay $1.00 instead of $1.50 or $.15 instead of a quarter. So funny to watch but so much fun. I saw an old man leave with screwdriver in his pocket as he was humming away. My instinct was to catch the thief but he was old and he was probably lonely ( I wonder why) so he got away with a $.25 screwdriver that he maybe needed, maybe not. I was happy it make him happy.
I will be opening my sale again this coming weekend to get rid of a few more treasures but sense it won't be advertised I can put my signs out when I want and stop when ever I want. I personally think it is fun because I like people and different kinds of people.
I hope to sell the rest of my stuff and the clutter and the dusting of stuff will be way cut down in my house. I hate doing it ( I will admit that) but do do it because I like my house reasonably clean. When I cut down the clutter I will have more time for me which is running, biking, walking and playing with my dogs.
I am starting to love being 59. I feel very healthy and young. I can run at least 3 miles, I love my hubby, kids,grand kids,dogs and home. My life is pretty good for an old lady!!!

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